Evelyn Salt is a CIA agent and highly respected by all, including her boss, Ted Winter. Out of the blue, a Russian spy walks into their offices and offers a vital piece of information: the President of Russia will be assassinated during his forthcoming visit to New York City to attend the funeral of the recently deceased U.S. Vice President. The name of the assassin: Evelyn Salt. Concerned about the safety of her husband, who she cannot contact, she goes on the run. Winter refuses to accept that she is a mole or a double agent but her actions begin to raise doubts. Just who is Evelyn Salt and what is she planning?
一些野心份子 爲了達到所謂偉大的夢想和目的
最不值得的是SALT的丈夫被擊斃 那一幕真的很痛
ANGELINA JOLIE 一向來的出場都是美美的
這部戲一開始她就被人虐打 有夠慘的
有趣的是 在電影上映之後
聽說一名回到俄羅斯的女特務 樣子還真的和她有點相似
果然是人生入戲 戲如人生
誰又知道在你身邊的 到底是什麽人 有著什麽樣的底細
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